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Bissett Family History
Bissett Genealogy & Family TreeBissett is ranked as the 12,893rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
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Bissett Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Virginia Pearl Bissett -- --, 1892 October 5, 1973 Texas
- Ruth Bissett -- --, 1900 December 0, 1977
- Anneis Wilhemina Bissett -- --, 1884 October 5, 1950 Nova Scotia
- George Fredrick Bissett -- --, 1870 February 21, 1932 New Brunswick
- John Kenneth Bissett -- --, 1915 April 11, 1997 New York
Bissett Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Mary Ann Bissett -- --, 1886 December 30, 1954
- Georgina Craig Bissett -- --, 1905 December 0, 1988
- George Keltie Bissett -- --, 1906 October 10, 1985 Nova Scotia
- Charles Frederick Bissett -- --, 1897 September 26, 1964
- John Bissett -- --, 1847 September 3, 1915
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