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Eppes Family History
Eppes Genealogy & Family TreeEppes is ranked as the 33,858th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Eppes Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- John Eppes -- --, 1566 November 0, 1627
- Thomas Eppes -- --, 1765 December 0, 1818 Virginia
- Tatum Eppes -- --, 1701 Virginia
- Meenje Eppes -- --, 1725 September 12, 1768
- Sijbolt Detmers Eppes -- --, 1737 December 11, 1797
Eppes Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Allen Eppes -- --, 1579 February 15, 1654
- William Lon Eppes -- --, 1892 October 9, 1955 Texas
- Anne Eppes -- --, 1655 December 0, 1681 Virginia
- William Eppes -- --, 1507 October 8, 1581
- William Eppes -- --, 1667 January 0, 1718 Virginia
Celebrities related to this last name
- Viggo /Mortensen/
- Catherine "Catherine" /Zeta-Jones/
- Laura Jeanne Reese "Reese" /Witherspoon/
- Laura Leggett /Linney/
- Chelsea Victoria /Clinton/
- Courtney Michelle /Harrison "Love"/
- Stefani Joanne Angelina "Lady Gaga" /Germanotta ""/
- Timothy David /Olyphant/
- Leila Marie "Marie" /Koerber "Dressler"/
- Sarah Jessica "Sarah Jessica" /Parker/