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Greggs Family History
Greggs Genealogy & Family TreeGreggs is ranked as the 11,221st most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
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Greggs Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Etta May Rierson Mason Greggs -- --, 1892 April 7, 1965
- Edna Mary Greggs -- --, 1902 May 2, 1991 British Columbia
- Joseph Archibald Greggs -- --, 1883 February 9, 1969 Pennsylvania
- William Leslie Greggs -- --, 1882 Pennsylvania
- Goldie Greggs -- --, 1892 January 0, 1969 California
Greggs Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Lucinda (Laurinda) Greggs -- --, 1791 Vermont
- Lydia Ann Greggs -- --, 1870 June 2, 1955 Alabama
- Mary Geneva Greggs -- --, 1905 May 5, 1993 Tennessee
- Humphrey Greggs -- --, 1608 August 18, 1657
- Roy W. Greggs -- --, 1907 Pennsylvania
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