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Havilland Family History
Havilland Genealogy & Family TreeHavilland is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Havilland Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Robert De Haviland Havilland -- --, 1160 December 0, 1219 Guernsey
- Thomas EMPTYNUL Havilland -- --, 1388 Emptynul
- Thomas EMPTYNUL Havilland -- --, 1415 December 0, 1469 Channel Isles
- Jane EMPTYNUL Havilland Emptynul
- William Havilland -- --, 1650 December 0, 1720
Havilland Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Christopher Havilland -- --, 1512 December 0, 1589 Channel Islands
- Thomas Fiott Havilland -- --, 1775 December 0, 1866
- James Havilland -- --, 1514 December 0, 1582
- Christopher Havilland -- --, 1496 January 24, 1589
- Christopher EMPTYNUL Havilland -- --, 1519 January 14, 1589 Emptynul
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