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Rice Family History
Rice Genealogy & Family TreeRice is ranked as the 146th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 160,000.
Rice Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Fred A. Rice -- --, 1894 January 9, 1959 Ohio
- Charles Adelbert Pomeroy Rice -- --, 1849 September 4, 1882 New York
- Amory Rice -- --, 1813 December 0, 1904 Massachusetts
- William Emerson Rice -- --, 1826 March 7, 1868
- Asa Rice -- --, 1732 August 16, 1806 Massachusetts
Rice Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Frances Rice -- --, 1735 March 28, 1816 Virginia
- Judy Gail Lindsey Rice -- --, 1950 June 18, 1988 Texas
- Wlliam Rice -- --, 1789 March 29, 1864 New York
- David Rice -- --, 1816 Massachusetts
- Howard Rice -- --, 1905 December 14, 1988 West Virginia
Celebrities related to this last name