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Benninghoff Family History
Benninghoff Genealogy & Family TreeBenninghoff is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Benninghoff Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Ann Callahan Benninghoff -- --, 1892 June 16, 1964 Pennsylvania
- Dorothy Benninghoff -- --, 1911 April 11, 1983 Pennsylvania
- John B. Benninghoff -- --, 1801 March 20, 1882 Pennsylvania
- William T Benninghoff -- --, 1842 December 0, 1907 Pennsylvania
- Mary Penicuff Benninghoff -- --, 1773 December 0, 1810 North Carolina
Benninghoff Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- (M?) Benninghoff Ohio
- Phillip Jacob Benninghoff -- --, 1745 December 0, 1826
- Samuel 'Sam' Benninghoff Emptynul
- Robert Willaim Benninghoff -- --, 1938 Emptynul
- William Shiffer Benninghoff -- --, 1918 January 8, 1993 Indiana
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