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Billingham Family History
Billingham Genealogy & Family TreeBillingham is ranked as the 48,238th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Billingham Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Issac Billingham -- --, 1779 December 0, 1856
- Benjamin Billingham -- --, 1811 December 0, 1895
- Olivia Rose Billingham -- --, 2019 Staffordshire
- Benjamin Billingham -- --, 1844 December 0, 1903 Staffordshire
- Thomas Billingham -- --, 1748 July 31, 4294965531
Billingham Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Thomas Billingham -- --, 1591 December 0, 1649
- Fanny Burton Billingham -- --, 1894 November 30, 1972
- Richard Billingham -- --, 1831 December 0, 1908
- Rose H Billingham -- --, 1872 August 30, 1949
- Margery Billingham -- --, 1643 December 0, 1690 Virginia
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