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Coolbaugh Family History
Coolbaugh Genealogy & Family TreeCoolbaugh is ranked as the 19,254th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Coolbaugh Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Linda Kay Coolbaugh -- --, 1954 November 10, 1954 New York
- Lucy Coolbaugh -- --, 1869 January 2, 1942
- Sally Coolbaugh -- --, 1806 June 2, 1865
- Alice S. Coolbaugh -- --, 1833 January 24, 1850 Pennsylvania
- Eliza Coolbaugh -- --, 1842 January 8, 1898 Pennsylvania
Coolbaugh Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- William Coolbaugh -- --, 1757 April 1, 1806 Pennsylvania
- Robert Coolbaugh -- --, 1863 December 0, 1949 Pennsylvania
- John Coolbaugh -- --, 1832 December 30, 1860 Pennsylvania
- Rachel Coolbaugh -- --, 1764 September 22, 1841 New Jersey
- John Coolbaugh -- --, 1760 September 25, 1842 New Jersey
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