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Coole Family History
Coole Genealogy & Family TreeCoole is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Coole Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Mary Coole -- --, 1715 December 0, 1747
- George Bernard Coole -- --, 1920 August 8, 1925 West Virginia
- Philip Coole -- --, 1765 January 2, 1770 Connecticut
- Philip Coole -- --, 1756 January 2, 1770 Connecticut
- Samuel Coole -- --, 1768 August 24, 1770 Connecticut
Coole Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Charles Herman Coole -- --, 1927 May 28, 2001 Ohio
- Peter Coole -- --, 1775 January 18, 1853 New Jersey
- Montgomery S. Coole -- --, 1898 October 19, 1977 Illinois
- Samuel EMPTYNUL Coole -- --, 1610 December 0, 1690 Emptynul
- Suzanna EMPTYNUL Coole -- --, 1958 Nova Scotia
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