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Eppinger Family History
Eppinger Genealogy & Family TreeEppinger is ranked as the 14,077th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
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Eppinger Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Frank Eppinger -- --, 1862 January 22, 1942
- Ulysses Eppinger -- --, 1921 May 28, 1991
- Johannes Eppinger -- --, 1684 May 3, 1735
- Ruth D Eppinger -- --, 1923 July 0, 1991 Wisconsin
- Georgiann Eppinger -- --, 1829 June 16, 1857 Georgia
Eppinger Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Timothy H Eppinger -- --, 1917 February 9, 1992 Georgia
- Artis Eppinger -- --, 1919 September 1, 1971 Georgia
- Frances Eppinger -- --, 1918 March 20, 2002 Georgia
- Katharina Friedrike Eppinger -- --, 1827 January 3, 1894
- Lucile Eppinger -- --, 1928 October 18, 2000 Georgia
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