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Finazzo Family History
Finazzo Genealogy & Family TreeFinazzo is ranked as the 51,871st most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Finazzo Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Joseph Finazzo -- --, 1893 October 8, 1963
- Marion Lyola Finazzo -- --, 1913 March 22, 1989 Missouri
- Caterina Finazzo -- --, 1875 December 0, 1966
- Procopio Finazzo -- --, 1894 July 5, 1993
- Ruth Finazzo -- --, 1901 June 20, 1991
Finazzo Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- JoAnn Finazzo -- --, 1929 June 14, 1999 New York
- Gladys Finazzo -- --, 1903 September 0, 1986
- Philip Finazzo -- --, 1915 January 17, 2000 Missouri
- Biagio Finazzo -- --, 1890 May 0, 1966
- Lillian B. Finazzo -- --, 1913 March 12, 1995