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Haab Family History
Haab Genealogy & Family TreeHaab is ranked as the 56,871st most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Haab Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Audrey R. Haab -- --, 1937 March 30, 1984 Michigan
- Edward Haab -- --, 1908 December 0, 1958 Kansas
- Virginia Lee Haab -- --, 1924 May 13, 1927 New Jersey
- Margretha Haab -- --, 1802
- Wilhelm Michael Haab -- --, 1865 November 19, 1958
Haab Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Elsie Victoria Haab -- --, 1896 September 25, 1976 Kansas
- Florence Belle Haab -- --, 1892 November 19, 1973
- Agnes Haab -- --, 1894 March 17, 1953 New York
- Charles Haab -- --, 1860 May 17, 1939
- Gordon Winfield Haab -- --, 1920 May 25, 1994 Virginia
Celebrities related to this last name