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Haacke Family History
Haacke Genealogy & Family TreeHaacke is ranked as the 31,888th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Haacke Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Mathilda Haacke -- --, 1863 January 8, 1869
- Wilford Joseph Haacke -- --, 1903 September 3, 1960 Utah
- Virginia Barbara Haacke -- --, 1922 July 29, 1998 Wisconsin
- Charles Augustus Haacke -- --, 1865 September 11, 1946
- Margaret Jane Haacke -- --, 1872 December 0, 1930
Haacke Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Martha Maud Haacke -- --, 1876 January 15, 1951 Ontario
- George Haacke -- --, 1810 March 21, 1896
- Rudoljak Haacke -- --, 1870 August 27, 1871
- William Haacke -- --, 1849 February 12, 1912 Ontario
- Fredrick Stanley Haacke -- --, 1878 May 13, 1892 Ontario
Celebrities related to this last name
- George Herbert Walker "George H. W." /Bush/ President
- Marshall Bruce "Eminem" /Mathers ""/ III
- Viggo /Mortensen/
- Orvon Grover "Gene" /Autry/
- Kevin Michael /Costner/
- Laura Jeanne Reese "Reese" /Witherspoon/
- Ashlee Nicole /Simpson/
- George Timothy /Clooney/
- Alexander Rae "Alec" /Baldwin/ III
- Willard Mitt "Mitt" /Romney/