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Haaf Family History
Haaf Genealogy & Family TreeHaaf is ranked as the 43,591st most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Haaf Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Hilda H Haaf -- --, 1911 October 7, 1974 Texas
- Rosa Lena Haaf -- --, 1872 Emptynul
- Martin Haaf -- --, 1880 December 0, 1959
- Jacob Haaf -- --, 1862 October 7, 1941 Texas
- Herbert EMPTYNUL Haaf -- --, 1880 Emptynul
Haaf Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Clara Haaf -- --, 1903 November 15, 1988 Texas
- Adel Gladys Haaf -- --, 1914 June 22, 1903 Texas
- Johann Georg Haaf -- --, 1788 December 20, 1863
- Mary M. Haaf
- Mary Eva Haaf -- --, 1863 December 7, 1943
Celebrities related to this last name