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Haakansdotter Family History
Haakansdotter Genealogy & Family TreeHaakansdotter is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Haakansdotter Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Bengta Haakansdotter -- --, 1799 December 0, 1810 Kristianstad
- Agda Haakansdotter -- --, 1772 October 2, 1774 Kristianstad
- Kjerstina Haakansdotter -- --, 1853 March 1, 1856
- Bengta Haakansdotter -- --, 1799 December 0, 1810 Kristianstad
- Agda Haakansdotter -- --, 1772 October 2, 1774 Kristianstad
Haakansdotter Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Jeppa Haakansdotter -- --, 1790 July 8, 1790 Kristianstad
- Kjerstina Haakansdotter -- --, 1858 March 16, 1858
- Jeppa Haakansdotter -- --, 1790 July 8, 1790 Kristianstad
- Ingrid Haakansdotter -- --, 1855 November 10, 1898
- Kajsa Haakansdotter -- --, 1826
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