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Haaland Family History
Haaland Genealogy & Family TreeHaaland is ranked as the 30,321st most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Haaland Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Gunhild Haaland -- --, 1899 April 15, 1946 Illinois
- Ingeborg Marie Haaland -- --, 1882 January 28, 1957 Sogn Og Fjordane
- Edward Haaland -- --, 1926 February 13, 2003 Iowa
- Engel Guttormsdatter Haaland -- --, 1903 Emptynul
- Orgina Marie Haaland -- --, 1882 March 23, 1977
Haaland Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Elroy Lane Haaland -- --, 1951 September 0, 1972 South Dakota
- Walley Haaland -- --, 1891 December 0, 1977
- Edward Haaland -- --, 1926 February 13, 2003 Iowa
- Hans Haaland -- --, 1881 November 17, 1935
- EMPTYNUL EMPTYNUL Haaland Emptynul
Celebrities related to this last name
- Oliver James /Platt/
- William Arthur Phillip "Prince William" /Louis ""/
- Orvon Grover "Gene" /Autry/
- David Bruce /Cassidy/
- Gwyneth /Paltrow/
- John Winston , Musician /Lennon/
- Barack Hussein /Obama/ Ii; President
- Sarah Jessica "Sarah Jessica" /Parker/
- Edgar Allen "Edgar Allen" /Poe/
- Lance Edward "Lance" /Gunderson "Armstrong"/