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Haan Family History
Haan Genealogy & Family TreeHaan is ranked as the 20,862nd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Haan Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Michael Haan -- --, 1625 March 30, 1697
- Bartele Haan -- --, 1848 June 18, 1927 Friesland
- Alida Toos Haan -- --, 1915 October 15, 2000
- John (Jack) Alexander Haan -- --, 1886 November 25, 1916 South Dakota
- Jan Haan -- --, 1842 December 5, 1907
Haan Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Neeltje Haan -- --, 1733 July 14, 1797
- Arij Haan -- --, 1697 May 28, 1763
- Jakob Haan -- --, 1622 December 8, 1622
- Boudewyn Nicholaas Haan -- --, 1849 April 10, 1890
- Rosina Haan -- --, 1690 October 4, 1745 Wuerttemberg
Celebrities related to this last name
- Michele Marie /Amble "Bachmann"/
- Selena /Gomez/
- Orvon Grover "Gene" /Autry/
- Prince | Charles Philip Arthur George /Windsor ""/
- Harrison /Ford/
- Helen Elizabeth /Hunt/
- Jacob Benjamin "Jake" /Gyllenhaal/
- George Herbert Walker "George H. W." /Bush/ President
- Susan Abigail /Tomalin "Sarandon"/
- Ivan Simon Cary "Cary" /Elwes/