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Haapala Family History
Haapala Genealogy & Family TreeHaapala is ranked as the 23,781st most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
View the Haapala family tree
Haapala Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Greta Haapala -- --, 1832 February 24, 1906
- Israel Haapala -- --, 1804 July 2, 1872
- Matt Haapala -- --, 1888 October 31, 1942
- Ensio Rudolph Haapala -- --, 1913 August 4, 1979 Michigan
- Elma EMPTYNUL Haapala -- --, 1908 Michigan
Haapala Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Brita Wallborg Haapala -- --, 1830
- Mathias Haapala -- --, 1840
- Ellen Haapala -- --, 1915 June 15, 1939 Michigan
- Charles EMPTYNUL Haapala -- --, 1877 Emptynul
- Limpi EMPTYNUL Haapala -- --, 1905 Michigan
Celebrities related to this last name
- Donald John /Trump/
- Dwight David /Eisenhower/ President
- Kevin Norwood /Bacon/
- William "Bill" /Murray/
- Clint /Eastwood/
- Stephen Grover "Grover" /Cleveland/ President
- Helena Bonham Carter
- James Earl "Jimmy" /Carter/ President
- Franklin Delano /Roosevelt/ President
- Stefani Joanne Angelina "Lady Gaga" /Germanotta ""/