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Haavarsholm Family History
Haavarsholm Genealogy & Family TreeHaavarsholm is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Haavarsholm Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Johannes Nilsen Haavarsholm -- --, 1783 December 0, 1840 Sveio
- Ingeborg Kjærandsdtr Haavarsholm -- --, 1733 December 0, 1813 Sveio
- Malene Eilevsdtr Haavarsholm -- --, 1708 December 0, 1789 Sveio
- Nils Johannesen Haavarsholm -- --, 1814 December 0, 1894 Sveio
- Kjæran Kjærandsen Haavarsholm -- --, 1740 December 0, 1789 Sveio
Haavarsholm Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Eilev Jakobsen Haavarsholm -- --, 1674 December 0, 1742 Sveio
- Kjæran Kjæransen Haavarsholm -- --, 1705 December 0, 1740 Vindafjord
- Anna Helene Larsdtr Haavarsholm -- --, 1859 December 0, 1893 Sveio
- Brita Larsdtr Haavarsholm -- --, 1776 December 0, 1857 Sveio
- Lars Larsen Haavarsholm -- --, 1785 December 0, 1833 Sveio
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