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Habel Family History
Habel Genealogy & Family TreeHabel is ranked as the 23,004th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Habel Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Theodore Habel -- --, 1911 July 18, 1911 Victoria
- Maria Habel -- --, 1623 February 16, 1691 Preussen
- Johannes Habel -- --, 1646 January 26, 1709 Hessen
- Paul Ray Habel -- --, 1921 September 1, 2004 Michigan
- Johann Friedrich August Habel -- --, 1830 June 11, 1897
Habel Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Marguerite Habel -- --, 1896 August 16, 1959 Michigan
- Margaretha Habel -- --, 1857 May 29, 1858 Schleswig Holstein
- Johanna Pauline (Polly) Habel -- --, 1870 September 10, 1942 Victoria
- Fred Harvey (Freddie) Habel -- --, 1890 October 16, 1918 Michigan
- Ronald William Habel Emptynul
Celebrities related to this last name