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Hadlock Family History
Hadlock Genealogy & Family TreeHadlock is ranked as the 9,327th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
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Hadlock Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Chris Jay Hadlock -- --, 1961 September 13, 1997 Utah
- Deborah Hadlock -- --, 1653 December 0, 1743 Massachusetts
- Henry Clay Hadlock -- --, 1862 October 14, 1939 Missouri
- Jonathon Hadlock -- --, 1798 October 4, 1881 New Hampshire
- Benjamin Hadlock -- --, 1805 August 2, 1875 New York
Hadlock Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Jonathan Hadlock -- --, 1742 January 0, 1801 Massachusetts
- Betty Hadlock -- --, 1779 December 0, 1832 New Hampshire
- Hiram Hadlock -- --, 1805 Vermont
- Levi Hadlock -- --, 1770 New Hampshire
- Jonathan Hadlock -- --, 1732 December 0, 1736 Massachusetts
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