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Hampshire Family History
Hampshire Genealogy & Family TreeHampshire is ranked as the 21,543rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
View the Hampshire family tree
Hampshire Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Sarah Hampshire -- --, 1806 December 1, 1897 Maryland
- George A Hampshire -- --, 1909 December 0, 1988 Indiana
- Ellen Hampshire -- --, 1844 May 4, 1925 Texas
- Jacob Adam Jake' Hampshire -- --, 1840 May 27, 1881 Louisiana
- Julia Ann Hampshire -- --, 1854 February 13, 1934 Ohio
Hampshire Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Irene Hampshire -- --, 1882 May 11, 1948 Texas
- Ralph George Hampshire -- --, 1903 March 4, 1905
- Frank Hampshire -- --, 1938 December 0, 1990
- James Philip Hampshire -- --, 1923 May 17, 1950 Pennsylvania
- Rebecca Hampshire -- --, 1787 December 0, 1866
Celebrities related to this last name