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Heimer Family History
Heimer Genealogy & Family TreeHeimer is ranked as the 23,760th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Heimer Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Louis F. Heimer -- --, 1860 March 18, 1917 Missouri
- Elizabeth Heimer -- --, 1750 December 0, 1785
- Arine Heimer -- --, 1867 August 16, 1867 Pennsylvania
- Francis Godfrey Heimer -- --, 1900 September 28, 1958 Missouri
- Adam Heimer -- --, 1761 January 5, 1818
Heimer Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Mabel M Heimer -- --, 1913 Kansas
- Ralph E Heimer -- --, 1902 Kansas
- Celia Valara Severia Heimer -- --, 1898 May 16, 1977 Michigan
- Sarah Alpharetta Roseanna Heimer -- --, 1861 December 17, 1934 Pennsylvania
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