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Holmer Family History
Holmer Genealogy & Family TreeHolmer is ranked as the 22,963rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Holmer Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Richard Jacob Holmer -- --, 1930 January 13, 1934 California
- Nebo Holmer -- --, 1751 November 7, 1750
- Alice Holmer -- --, 1830 October 20, 1907
- Mary Atwood Holmer -- --, 1628 January 6, 1715 Massachusetts
- William EMPTYNUL Holmer -- --, 1844 Emptynul
Holmer Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Ernest Ragnar Hilmarson Holmer -- --, 1894 June 17, 1964
- Jrgen Knudsen Holmer -- --, 1677 March 1, 1716
- Birgitte Christiane Holmer -- --, 1716 June 4, 1788
- Mary Atwood Holmer -- --, 1619 January 6, 1714
- Robert Stevenson Holmer -- --, 1902 January 0, 1980 Pennsylvania
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