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Jakobsson Family History
Jakobsson Genealogy & Family TreeJakobsson is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
View the Jakobsson family tree
Jakobsson Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Anders Jakobsson -- --, 1649 September 4, 1694
- Nils Jakobsson -- --, 1655 December 0, 1714 Picardie
- Daniel Jakobsson
- Malkolm Jakobsson -- --, 1848 January 24, 1929
- Petur Jakobsson -- --, 1756 May 15, 1797
Jakobsson Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Daniel Jakobsson
- Jakob Jakobsson January 0, 1731
- Johan Arvid Jakobsson
- Mårten Jakobsson -- --, 1681 December 0, 1714
- Erik Jakobsson -- --, 1710 December 0, 1796
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