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Linville Family History
Linville Genealogy & Family TreeLinville is ranked as the 4,332nd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 7,500.
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Linville Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Mathilda May Linville -- --, 1883 April 15, 1955 Indiana
- George W. Linville -- --, 1921 January 0, 1974 West Virginia
- William Solomon Linville -- --, 1866 December 0, 1915 Ohio
- Kessiah Linville -- --, 1842 January 2, 1887 Kentucky
- William Robert Linville -- --, 1936 July 21, 1936 Kentucky
Linville Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Sarah Elizabrth Linville -- --, 1877 January 16, 1950 Indiana
- Mary C Linville -- --, 1876 December 0, 1944 Missouri
- Andrew Jackson Linville -- --, 1829 October 17, 1907 Missouri
- Mary Linville -- --, 1796 December 0, 1851 Virginia
- Hugh Lawson Linville -- --, 1847 August 25, 1922
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