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Linzy Family History
Linzy Genealogy & Family TreeLinzy is ranked as the 16,450th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
Linzy Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Mayme Docie Linzy -- --, 1889 June 0, 1905 Missouri
- Elizabeth Linzy -- --, 1825 February 16, 1860 Missouri
- James R. Linzy -- --, 1868 April 15, 1937 Arkansas
- Amon Fay Linzy -- --, 1908 December 0, 1965 Missouri
- Mildred G. Linzy -- --, 1903 November 7, 1905 Missouri
Linzy Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Hazel Marie Linzy -- --, 1916 June 22, 1994 Missouri
- Hazel Marie Linzy -- --, 1916 June 22, 1994 Missouri
- Walter Allan Linzy -- --, 1926 May 0, 1966 Alaska
- Mildred G. Linzy -- --, 1903 November 7, 1905 Missouri
- John M. Linzy -- --, 1830 October 15, 1845 Missouri
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