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Liotta Family History
Liotta Genealogy & Family TreeLiotta is ranked as the 28,715th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Liotta Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Rose Liotta -- --, 1904 January 30, 1992
- Giuseppe Liotta -- --, 1884 October 20, 1937
- Bertha EMPTYNUL Liotta -- --, 1896 June 12, 1945 Emptynul
- Accursia EMPTYNUL Liotta -- --, 1822 January 23, 1861 Sicilia
- Luigi EMPTYNUL Liotta -- --, 1846 November 14, 1918 Sicilia
Liotta Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Vito EMPTYNUL Liotta Emptynul
- Catherine EMPTYNUL Liotta -- --, 1909 December 0, 1994 New York
- Rosa EMPTYNUL Liotta -- --, 1868 Emptynul
- Antonina EMPTYNUL Liotta -- --, 1802 August 23, 1835 Sicilia
- Carolina EMPTYNUL Liotta -- --, 1813 December 22, 1839 Sicilia
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