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Lipe Family History
Lipe Genealogy & Family TreeLipe is ranked as the 11,833rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
Lipe Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Martin Monroe Lipe -- --, 1880 December 0, 1959 Alaska
- Martha Jane Lipe -- --, 1844 May 23, 1914 Tennessee
- John Lipe -- --, 1768 March 24, 1834 New York
- Alva Lipe -- --, 1846 December 0, 1887 Illinois
- Emily I Lipe -- --, 1840 March 19, 1883 Illinois
Lipe Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Nancy Emaline Lipe -- --, 1877 May 23, 1930 Illinois
- Dorothy Juanita Lipe -- --, 1920 December 1, 1987 North Carolina
- Henry Lipe -- --, 1881 May 0, 1967 Illinois
- John Lipe -- --, 1798 September 22, 1872 North Carolina
- Emma Elizabeth Lipe -- --, 1860 December 0, 1934 Mississippi
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