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Lipes Family History
Lipes Genealogy & Family TreeLipes is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Lipes Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- John William Lipes -- --, 1838 November 26, 1905 Ohio
- Samuel Houston Lipes -- --, 1801 December 0, 1877 Virginia
- Ann Rebecca Lipes -- --, 1808 December 0, 1902 Virginia
- Christopher Lipes -- --, 1797 February 16, 1858 Virginia
- David H. Lipes -- --, 1811 May 20, 1889 Virginia
Lipes Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Rebecca Elizabeth Lipes -- --, 1852 November 1, 1923 Virginia
- Samuel Houston Lipes -- --, 1845 November 9, 1926
- Henry Lipes -- --, 1825 December 20, 1902 Virginia
- Moses Lipes -- --, 1774 April 12, 1860 Maryland
- Nellie Lipes -- --, 1894 December 0, 1986 Virginia
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