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Lipford Family History
Lipford Genealogy & Family TreeLipford is ranked as the 14,004th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
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Lipford Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Lewis R. Lipford -- --, 1843 December 0, 1903 North Carolina
- William Alexander Lipford -- --, 1839 April 23, 1925 North Carolina
- James A. Sherman Lipford -- --, 1867 September 12, 1952 Tennessee
- Estel Fred Lipford -- --, 1910 September 24, 1969 Tennessee
- Herbert Elmer Lipford -- --, 1897 June 11, 1970 Virginia
Lipford Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Robertha Bertha Lipford -- --, 1891 August 27, 1963 Tennessee
- Alice Williama Lipford -- --, 1889 May 25, 1963 Florida
- Horace Raymond Lipford -- --, 1935 February 10, 2003 Virginia
- James Homer Lipford -- --, 1899 May 0, 1982
- Anthony Lipford -- --, 1814 September 3, 1890 Virginia
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