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Lipham Family History
Lipham Genealogy & Family TreeLipham is ranked as the 22,103rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lipham Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Morris Lipham -- --, 1918 December 0, 1989 Alabama
- James Marion Lipham -- --, 1856 May 2, 1913
- Morris Lipham -- --, 1918 December 0, 1989 Alabama
- James J. Lipham -- --, 1825 December 0, 1857
- Lura Lipham -- --, 1889 April 11, 1893 Alabama
Lipham Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Dovie A Lipham -- --, 1885 January 26, 1973 Georgia
- John Robert Lipham -- --, 1900 September 29, 1951 Alabama
- Ollie Jackson Lipham -- --, 1914 December 0, 1978 Alabama
- Zachariah Newton Lipham -- --, 1858 December 0, 1924
- Ezra Herbert Lipham -- --, 1918 October 13, 1985 Georgia
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