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Lipke Family History
Lipke Genealogy & Family TreeLipke is ranked as the 70,723rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Lipke Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Joseph (Joe) Lipke -- --, 1886 March 23, 1980 Kansas
- Anna Celia Lipke -- --, 1890 September 8, 1949 Kansas
- John Lipke -- --, 1880 December 0, 1892 Kansas
- Elizabeth Lipke
- George Basil Lipke -- --, 1907 November 13, 1992 Kansas
Lipke Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Henry Gust Lipke -- --, 1891 October 8, 1967 Minnesota
- Emil R Lipke -- --, 1885 March 0, 1966 Minnesota
- Samantha EMPTYNUL Lipke -- --, 1998 New Jersey
- Philip EMPTYNUL Lipke -- --, 1975 New Jersey
- Carl Ferdinand Ludwig (Charles) Lipke -- --, 1833 December 0, 1900 Brandenburg
Celebrities related to this last name