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Lipman Family History
Lipman Genealogy & Family TreeLipman is ranked as the 12,188th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
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Lipman Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Sarah Rosetta Lipman -- --, 1912 June 24, 1978 New South Wales
- Jacob William Lipman -- --, 1858 November 6, 1937 Texas
- Louis Lipman -- --, 1860 August 0, 1894
- Bernard Lipman -- --, 1898 August 13, 1956 Illinois
- Mary Lipman -- --, 1853 December 0, 1930
Lipman Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Marcus Henry Lipman -- --, 1820 June 5, 1890
- Donn Richard Lipman -- --, 1940 July 20, 2003 California
- Cecilia Lipman -- --, 1875 December 0, 1944
- Harmen Lipman -- --, 1645 November 7, 1680
- Esther May Lipman -- --, 1915 May 4, 1998 New South Wales
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