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Lipok Family History
Lipok Genealogy & Family TreeLipok is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Lipok Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Rosalie P. Lipok -- --, 1915 November 24, 1948 Texas
- Henry Lipok -- --, 1872 July 2, 1955 Texas
- Joseph J. Lipok -- --, 1910 September 2, 1987 Texas
- Theodore Lipok -- --, 1908 October 18, 1992 Texas
- Anastasia Lipok -- --, 1882 April 8, 1978 Texas
Lipok Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Teofil Lipok -- --, 1919 December 26, 1990 Texas
- Hedwig Veronica Lipok -- --, 1906 October 23, 1993 Texas
- Paul William Lipok -- --, 1905 June 18, 1987 Texas
- Szymon Or Samuel Lipok -- --, 1830 October 20, 1909
- Theresa Mary Lipok -- --, 1913 March 22, 2002 Texas
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