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Lipp Family History
Lipp Genealogy & Family TreeLipp is ranked as the 10,603rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
Lipp Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Babette Jane Lipp -- --, 1916 December 25, 2006 Illinois
- Bertha Bell Lipp -- --, 1884 August 0, 1969 Ohio
- Peter F. Lipp -- --, 1840 April 26, 1879 Ohio
- Melissa Lipp -- --, 1845 March 2, 1944 Ohio
- Frank Lipp -- --, 1858 February 6, 1936
Lipp Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Eli Lipp -- --, 1846 August 17, 1941 Indiana
- Johana Lipp -- --, 1914 January 4, 1987 North Dakota
- Mary Lipp -- --, 1811 December 0, 1856 Ohio
- George Andrew Lipp -- --, 1830 January 13, 1891 Ohio
- Lulu Gertrude Lipp -- --, 1880 January 23, 1974 Indiana
Celebrities related to this last name