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Lippard Family History
Lippard Genealogy & Family TreeLippard is ranked as the 22,875th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lippard Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Quintis Elmore Lippard -- --, 1857 December 23, 1935 North Carolina
- Elizabeth Lippard -- --, 1766 December 0, 1843 North Carolina
- Wilhelm Lippard -- --, 1699 December 0, 1785
- Aaron Lippard -- --, 1830 North Carolina
- Mary Magdaline Lippard -- --, 1833 February 28, 1898 North Carolina
Lippard Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Delphin Delmas Lippard -- --, 1907 December 26, 1993 Texas
- William J. Lippard -- --, 1824 July 1, 1887 North Carolina
- Martin Luther Lippard -- --, 1807 February 20, 1882 North Carolina
- Sallie Elizabeth Lippard -- --, 1852 Emptynul
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