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Lippe Family History
Lippe Genealogy & Family TreeLippe is ranked as the 31,623rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Lippe Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Gebhard Lippe -- --, 1177 August 28, 1258
- Hedwig Lippe -- --, 1200 December 0, 1250 Lippe-Detmold
- Elisabeth Lippe -- --, 1250 October 21, 1316
- Beatrix Lippe -- --, 1178 June 23, 1244
- Otto Lippe -- --, 1408 September 30, 1433 Bavaria
Lippe Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Bernhard Lippe -- --, 1527 April 15, 1563
- Simon I Lippe -- --, 1260 August 10, 1344
- Gebhard Lippe -- --, 1177 September 18, 1258
- Heilwig Lippe -- --, 1300 December 0, 1364 Bayern
- Adelheid Lippe -- --, 1344 December 0, 1366 Nordrhein Westfalen
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