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Lippencott Family History
Lippencott Genealogy & Family TreeLippencott is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lippencott Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Isaac Lippencott -- --, 1713 December 0, 1785 New Jersey
- Robert Sherman Lippencott -- --, 1887 June 11, 1888 Nebraska
- Freedom Lippencott -- --, 1655 April 0, 1696
- Abigail Lippencott -- --, 1673 October 19, 1734 New Jersey
- Richard Lippencott -- --, 1615 September 25, 1683
Lippencott Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Rememberance Lippencott -- --, 1805 November 27, 1827 West Virginia
- Mary Lippencott -- --, 1709 December 0, 1775 New Jersey
- Samuel B Lippencott -- --, 1793 Pennsylvania
- Increase Lippencott -- --, 1657 September 29, 1695
- Phebe Lippencott -- --, 1748 December 0, 1790 New Jersey
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