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Lipper Family History
Lipper Genealogy & Family TreeLipper is ranked as the 81,964th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lipper Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Fred W Lipper -- --, 1882 December 0, 1948
- Thomas Frank Lipper -- --, 1914 August 9, 1998 Missouri
- Tillie Lipper -- --, 1864 January 27, 1947
- Lester Carl Lipper -- --, 1894 March 16, 1961 Missouri
- Emilie Lipper -- --, 1880 February 19, 1975
Lipper Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Brent Daniel Lipper -- --, 1972 August 7, 1994 Iowa
- Alfred Valentine Lipper -- --, 1913 December 27, 1990 Missouri
- Harold Ward Lipper -- --, 1914 October 8, 1993 Kansas
- Ralph Iden Lipper -- --, 1916 December 31, 1988 Kansas
- Alfred Valentine Lipper -- --, 1913 December 27, 1990 Missouri
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