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Lippert Family History
Lippert Genealogy & Family TreeLippert is ranked as the 5,983rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 5,000.
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Lippert Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Anton Lippert October 30, 1937 Wisconsin
- Albert Lippert -- --, 1925 February 28, 1998
- Alice Lippert -- --, 1917 February 16, 1980 Ohio
- Louis Francis Lippert -- --, 1889 October 3, 1957 Wisconsin
- Sebastian Lippert June 22, 1754
Lippert Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Matthew Lippert -- --, 1829
- Leroy Lippert -- --, 1920 October 14, 1921
- Caspar Lippert -- --, 1754 December 0, 1783 Pennsylvania
- Rosette Lippert -- --, 1872 December 0, 1920
- Robert Lippert -- --, 1915 January 23, 1972
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