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Lippiatt Family History
Lippiatt Genealogy & Family TreeLippiatt is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lippiatt Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Kathleen Lippiatt -- --, 1893 December 26, 1981
- Donald Nelson Lippiatt -- --, 1931 June 27, 1982 California
- Wilfred Henry Lippiatt -- --, 1899 July 28, 1998
- Olive Louise Lippiatt -- --, 1907 January 21, 1995
- Robert Arthur Lippiatt -- --, 1945 Queensland
Lippiatt Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- T. H. Lippiatt -- --, 1853
- Eric Thomas Lippiatt -- --, 1892 February 23, 1985
- Ester Lippiatt -- --, 1847 June 10, 1915
- Jack Lippiatt -- --, 929 February 3, 1982 California
- Rebecca Ann Lippiatt -- --, 1978 New South Wales
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