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Lippincott Family History
Lippincott Genealogy & Family TreeLippincott is ranked as the 11,351st most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
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Lippincott Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Elizabeth Lippincott -- --, 1768 April 2, 1785 New Jersey
- Clara Lippincott -- --, 1851 May 22, 1912 New Jersey
- Samuel Lippincott -- --, 1675 December 0, 1748 New Jersey
- Anna Langstaff Lippincott -- --, 1890 December 0, 1930 New Jersey
- Lambert Llewelwin Lippincott -- --, 1875 November 6, 1950 Ohio
Lippincott Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Joseph Abraham Lippincott -- --, 1850 October 9, 1917 Ohio
- Samuel Lippincott -- --, 1710 July 4, 1792 New Jersey
- Roger Lippincott -- --, 1938 December 0, 3 Michigan
- Ray Alexander Lippincott -- --, 1894 December 25, 1975 Ohio
- Hope Lippincott -- --, 1726 December 0, 1801 New Jersey
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