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Lippitt Family History
Lippitt Genealogy & Family TreeLippitt is ranked as the 81,963rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lippitt Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Moses Lippitt -- --, 1736 March 8, 1739 Rhode Island
- Nathaniel Lippitt -- --, 1639 Rhode Island
- Catherine Lippitt -- --, 1779 Rhode Island
- Mary Lippitt -- --, 1728 December 0, 1792 Massachusetts
- John Lippitt -- --, 1640 December 0, 1670 Rhode Island
Lippitt Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Elisha Lippitt -- --, 1771 December 0, 1771 Rhode Island
- Abraham Lippitt -- --, 1747 October 23, 1812 Rhode Island
- Joseph Lippitt -- --, 1791 December 0, 1842 Rhode Island
- Christopher Lippitt -- --, 1717 December 0, 1764 Rhode Island
- George Ernest Lippitt -- --, 1853 March 24, 1856 Rhode Island
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