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Lippke Family History
Lippke Genealogy & Family TreeLippke is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lippke Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Christian Hinrich Lippke -- --, 1856 February 3, 1856 Kirchenkreis Suederdithma
- Christian Hinrich Lippke -- --, 1798 September 12, 1831
- Wiebke Margaretha Lippke -- --, 1839 January 28, 1839 Kirchenkreis Suederdithma
- Margaret Frances Lippke -- --, 1945 November 4, 2012 Pennsylvania
- Christian Lippke -- --, 1855 February 5, 1855 Schleswig Holstein
Lippke Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Jurgen Hinrich Lippke -- --, 1844 January 29, 1847 Kirchenkreis Suederdithma
- Margaretha Lippke -- --, 1802 October 24, 1871 Schleswig Holstein
- Jurgen Hinrich Christian Lippke -- --, 1862 January 10, 1862 Schleswig Holstein
- Catharina Lippke -- --, 1857 November 27, 1857 Schleswig Holstein
- Rebecca Lippke -- --, 1850 October 27, 1851 Kirchenkreis Suederdithma
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