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Lippman Family History
Lippman Genealogy & Family TreeLippman is ranked as the 19,580th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lippman Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Margarete Lippman -- --, 1897 Idaho
- Louis Lippman -- --, 1860 January 28, 1899 Ohio
- Paul Wayne Lippman -- --, 1941 March 22, 2005
- Jacob Lippman -- --, 1790 December 0, 1834
- Herbert Lippman -- --, 1922 December 0, 1940
Lippman Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Lawrence Lippman -- --, 1949 October 31, 1991 New York
- Alexander Lippman -- --, 1862 December 0, 1943 New York
- Belle Lippman -- --, 1852 December 0, 1938 Arkansas
- Irving Lippman -- --, 1905 May 20, 1998 New York
- Marie Baker Lippman -- --, 1864 December 0, 1923 Emptynul
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