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Lippmann Family History
Lippmann Genealogy & Family TreeLippmann is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lippmann Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Christine Lippmann -- --, 1797 December 0, 1870
- Christian Gottlob Lippmann -- --, 1771 March 5, 1832 Sachsen
- Donald Lippmann -- --, 1934 February 14, 2013 Pennsylvania
- Dorothy EMPTYNUL Lippmann -- --, 1918 Colorado
- Johannes Gottlieb Lippmann -- --, 1744 July 17, 1829 Sachsen
Lippmann Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Matilda Lippmann -- --, 1862 July 14, 1932 Minnesota
- Margarethe Martha Lippmann -- --, 1901 July 16, 1992
- Christiana Eleonora Lippmann -- --, 1775 July 17, 1788 Sachsen
- Nanette Lippmann -- --, 1805 December 0, 1876
- Johanna Beata Lippmann -- --, 1779 August 24, 1829 Sachsen
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