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Lippold Family History
Lippold Genealogy & Family TreeLippold is ranked as the 20,129th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lippold Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Richard Friedrich William Lippold -- --, 1899 March 12, 1969 Illinois
- Charles Nicholas Lippold -- --, 1886 December 0, 1968 Kansas
- Unnamed Lippold -- --, 1901 October 18, 1901 Illinois
- Johanna Katharina Lippold -- --, 1781 August 30, 1829 Wuerttemberg
- Berhardt Ernst Lippold -- --, 1895 December 24, 1905 Illinois
Lippold Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Wilhelmine Lippold -- --, 1856 October 23, 1885
- Laura Apollonia Maria Lippold -- --, 1894 July 7, 1982 Illinois
- Maria Barbara Lippold -- --, 1750 July 11, 1802
- Christian Lippold -- --, 1776 April 23, 1817
- Harold Lippold -- --, 1904 April 26, 1969 Nebraska
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