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Lippott Family History
Lippott Genealogy & Family TreeLippott is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lippott Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Johann Matthias Lippott -- --, 1708 February 29, 1752 Wuerttemberg
- Maria Magdalena Lippott -- --, 1746 January 17, 1823 Wuerttemberg
- Maria Magdalena Lippott -- --, 1736 June 16, 1738 Wuerttemberg
- Chridtina Elisabetha Lippott -- --, 1725 December 21, 1729
- Hans Jerg Lippott -- --, 1711 June 25, 1721 Wuerttemberg
Lippott Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Jerg Friedrich Lippott -- --, 1701 January 15, 1701 Wuerttemberg
- Johann Bernhard Lippott -- --, 1670 July 4, 1742 Wuerttemberg
- Hans Jerg Lippott -- --, 1707 April 6, 1710 Wuerttemberg
- Maria Barbara Lippott -- --, 1738 February 27, 1822 Wuerttemberg
- Jacob Lippott -- --, 1734 June 2, 1735 Wuerttemberg
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