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Lips Family History
Lips Genealogy & Family TreeLips is ranked as the 81,961st most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Lips Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Maria Lips -- --, 1838 July 30, 1908 New Brunswick
- Hans Jakob Lips -- --, 1726 November 11, 1794
- Felix Lips -- --, 1680 March 14, 1737
- Petrus Jacobus Lips -- --, 1913 November 3, 1963
- Hans Lips -- --, 1682 March 8, 1758
Lips Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Felix Lips -- --, 1680 March 14, 1741 Zurich
- Joseph W. Lips -- --, 1900 September 30, 1969 New Jersey
- Margaretha Lips -- --, 1647 February 28, 1718 Zurich
- Robert Alllen Lips -- --, 1956 May 11, 2000 Indiana
- Bartholomeus Lips -- --, 1890 November 4, 1966
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